So I finally got my copy of the October issue of Shounen Jump today. I still have yet to figure out why the hell they come so early; it would make so much more sense if it was the September issue. But whatever...
The first thing that caught my eye was the fact that there's SO MUCH DRAGONBALL Z THIS ISSUE. DDDDDDDDDD:
But anyway.
Then I flipped open the magazine, stared at the ad for Naruto: Rise of a Ninja for a few minutes (why oh why do I not have an Xbox 360), then flipped past it, and something else immediately caught my eye.
Flaming Hot DVD
Comin' at you next month is Vol. 3 of The Prince of Tennis Box Set! Ryoma and his teammates at Seigaku Academy are now competing at the Metropolitan Tournament, and their "golden pair" in doubles is forced to resort to an unusual formation. Contains episodes 27-38. Special features include: original Japanese trailers and original Japanese opening and ending credits!
So I'm gonna break this down a bit, I guess...
"Flaming Hot DVD!-" (you mean they actually care about Prince of Tennis?) "Comin' at you next month-" (ok, I squee-d for a second before realizing that they meant October; it's still August so I thought they meant September) "-is Vol. 3 of The Prince of Tennis Box Set!-" (already? didn't the second one just come out? speaking of which, it STILL HASN'T ARRIVED. D:) "-Ryoma and his teammates at Seigaku Academy-" (ok, this line is fail. Seigaku is short for Seishun Gakuen, which basically is Seishun Academy or w/e. Seigaku is a team nickname. Seigaku Academy makes no sense. It's school is Noble & Greenough School; the nickname is Nobles, but we don't call it "Nobles School", that makes no sense) "-are now competing at the Metropolitan Tournament-" (to be honest, I stopped there to take a minute to figure out what the hell they were referring to, cause there's no "Metropolitan Tournament". The Prefecturals?) "-and their "golden pair"-" (no, no quotation marks. Golden Pair.) "-in doubles-" (no duh. what, do they think that people think a pair could be in singles?) "-is forced to resort to an unusual formation.-" (the Australian Formation? It's unusual, but I wouldn't really say they were "forced to resort" to it...) "-Contains episodes 27-38.-" (St. Rudolph arc, right?) "-Special features include: original Japanese trailers and original Japanese opening and ending credits!" (NO. NO. NO. The original OP/ED shouldn't be "special features". If they're going to brag on the cover about the episodes being "uncut", the OP/ED should be fully intact! WTF~ Especially because they use the original opening and ending for Naruto boxed sets...I wouldn't mind as much (well I'd still hate it, cause the American PoT OP/ED are crap, but...) if they didn't say on the box "UNCUT". They say it's "uncut", but it's not- it's the exact same thing you see on Toonami/Toonami Jetstream- the American OP/ED, and the American title screen. Seriously, wtf? I was really hoping they'd use the original OP/ED...I wanna see Driving Myself and KEEP YOUR STYLE. DDDDD:)
Lolz, I needed something to rant over, and this was perfect. =D The English version of the anime is crap, and the manga's not too good either.
I totally freaked out on one of the Bleach pages. For two reasons. The first being...
and a DS game that I've never heard of before.
I've actually really wanted to play the Wii game for a while, but I don't think there's a Freeloader for the Wii. This is great~ I'm really surprised though, it's way farther than the American anime is. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
The second thing is that they had a thing at the bottom of the page going all "SOUL REAPER ALL POINTS BULLETIN". It was a fake "warning note" or something. Pretty lame, but then...
Wowwwww, the English manga is pretty close to where the Japanese manga is~
And then way later on in the magazine, they decided to make an announcement...
I think it's a good decision. Bleach is one of the top 3 Jump manga in Japan, and I'm so glad they're putting it in the magazine. I think they're starting from the Arrancar arc, so...
So now the only thing left that would make me uber happy would be if they put PoT in the magazine. 100% never gonna happen though. I always thought it was really popular in Japan, but it seems like it's been near the bottom of the Jump ToC lately. And it's not popular in America at all, so I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
By the way, I noticed something slightly amusing when I was putting away some of my manga the other day.
On the inside cover for Bleach volume 1, there was an ad for other Shounen Jump manga. The main one they were advertising...was Prince of Tennis volume 13.
So...well, both series have 20 volumes at the moment in America. Does that mean that in the time it took for Bleach to release 20 volumes, Prince of Tennis only released 7?
*goes off to ponder this thought*
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