Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I got it at Newbury Comics during school retreat...they let us free in a mall for dessert after we had dinner at Fire+Ice, and I was just poking around Newbury Comics, looking through the foreign films section like always (I think I've been hoping for a copy of the Tenipuri live-action movie or something like that, or maybe Battle Royale), and all of a sudden it was like "YO-YO GIRL COP"
Lolz, I've been looking for this ever since it came out in America, but this is the first time I've actually found it. So, I immediately bought it...thankfully I brought more than the $15 they suggested for spending money. xDD
This movie looks great. Ayaya looks kick-ass on the cover. XDDDD And then Rika looks badass in a pic on the back cover...
I can't wait to watch this this weekend with my friends along with our Prince of Tennis dub marathon (the first two box sets, so 26 episodes of crappy dub amazingness)~ of course I'm going to watch it with the Japanese voice track- of course I wanna hear Aya and Rika and the other two v-u-den members~ But at one point I definitely wanna watch the dub track, it'll be interesting (to say the least) to hear someone else's random voice coming from Ayaya's mouth...xD

My friend was freaking out because it said "This film is not rated"...I mean, it's Hello! Project girls acting in it, it's not gonna be like porn~ xDDDD I tried to explain that to her, but I don't think she got it...I said that at the most, this movie would be rated PG-13, and she was like "What about the other rating with a number?"
It's Matsuura Aya and v-u-den, from Hello! Project. xDDD I really don't think Tsunku would have his girls star in porn movies...
So I just reassured her that it's not porn...I don't really know if she believes me...xD;

So I really can't wait to watch this movie and see Ayaya kick ass with a yo-yo...

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