Friday, July 6, 2007

Morning Musume - Onna ni Sachi Are PV out!

Onna ni Sachi Are on Dohhh UP!

So finally, the PV for this song is out~
I've had this on repeat the entire day. @__@ Damn, this song is catchy. AAAND I'm uber happy because for the past few days, I've had Hare Hare Yukai (you know, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu ending, the one with the dance) stuck in my head and it's been bugging me soo much...and this song has now taken it's place. But this song is far better. =D

I really really like this song...I'm soo glad I pre-ordered this. =D

As for Junjun and Linlin, I'm glad they got solo lines...though I think it was mostly Linlin, they both got lines. They both sound pretty good- I can't wait to hear more of them. ^^

About the PV's pretty good, not the best PV I've seen, but I like it. <33

EDIT (2007.07.07): Okk, last night I made an avatar/sig set for my NarutoFan account of this music video, and I thought I might as well share it:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
If you want to (I dunno if anybody will, but just in case), you can use these on a forum or something (not NarutoFan), but you have to COMMENT on this post, CREDIT ME in your sig or something, and LINK BACK to this blog.
I might make some more later of other music videos, I dunno...


Anonymous said...

Do you think you could possibly make a GIF of Koharu's solo shot during the final line of the song? I just LOVE her in that moment. But sorry if that's a lot to ask.

I love this PV and song!

IndigoSkies said...

Sure thing. ^^ Is there a specific size you want it to be or anything?

IndigoSkies said...

Okk, I wasn't sure if there were any size requirements (like a filesize limit), so I made two different versions:
225 x 133 (947 kb)
200 x 127 (464 kb)
If neither of those sizes work, just let me know and I'll be happy to make another one~

Anonymous said...

The vid is on Dohhh up!

It look really good. here's a link.